Launch a run ------------ ``scripts/TLCC/`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prepares a resource allocation for SCR, launches a run, re-launches on failures, and scavenges and rebuilds files for most recent checkpoint if needed. Updates SCR index file in prefix directory to account for last checkpoint. #. Interprets ``$SCR_ENABLE``, calls ``srun`` and bails if set to 0. #. Interprets ``$SCR_DEBUG``, enables verbosity if set :math:`>` 0. #. Invokes ``scr_test_runtime`` to check that runtime dependencies are available. #. Invokes “``scr_env –jobid``” to get jobid of current job. #. Interprets ``$SCR_NODELIST`` to determine set of nodes job is using, sets and exports ``$SCR_NODELIST`` to value returned by “``scr_env –nodes``” if not set. #. Invokes ``$scr_prefix`` to get prefix directory on parallel file system. #. Interprets ``$SCR_WATCHDOG``. #. Invokes ``scr_glob_hosts`` to check that this command is running on a node in the nodeset, bails with error if not. #. Invokes ``scr_list_dir`` to get control directory. #. Issues a NOP ``srun`` command on all nodes to force each node to run SLURM prologue to delete old files from cache. #. Invokes ``scr_prerun`` to prepare nodes for SCR run. #. If ``$SCR_FLUSH_ASYNC == 1``, invokes ``scr_glob_hosts`` to get count of number of nodes. and invokes ``srun`` to launch an ``scr_transfer`` process on each node. ENTER LOOP #. Invokes ``scr_list_down_nodes`` to determine list of bad nodes. If any node has been previously marked down, force it to continue to be marked down. We do this to avoid re-running on “bad” nodes, the logic being that if a node was identified as being bad in this resource allocation once already, there is a good chance that it is still bad (even if it currently seems to be healthy), so avoid it. #. Invokes ``scr_list_down_nodes`` to print reason for down nodes, if any. #. Count the number of nodes that the application needs. Invokes ``scr_glob_hosts`` to count number of nodes in ``$SCR_NODELIST``, which lists all nodes in allocation. Interprets ``$SCR_MIN_NODES`` to use that value of set, otherwise invokes ``scr_env –runnodes`` to get number of nodes used in last run. #. Invokes ``scr_glob_host`` to count number of nodes left in the allocation. #. If number of nodes left is smaller than number needed, break loop. #. Invokes ``scr_glob_host`` to ensure node running ``scr_srun`` script is not listed as a down node, if it is, break loop. #. Build list of nodes to be excluded from run. #. Optionally log start of run. #. Invokes ``srun`` including node where the ``scr_srun`` command is running and excluding down nodes. #. If watchdog is enabled, record pid of srun, invokes ``sleep 10`` so job shows up in squeue, invokes ``scr_get_jobstep_id`` to get SLURM jobstep id from pid, invokes ``scr_watchdog`` and records pid of watchdog process. #. Invokes ``scr_list_down_nodes`` to get list of down nodes. #. Optionally log end of run (and down nodes and reason those nodes are down). #. If number of attempted runs is :math:`>=` than number of allowed retries, break loop. #. Invokes ``scr_retries_halt`` and breaks loop if halt condition is detected. #. Invokes “``sleep 60``” to give nodes in allocation a chance to cleanup. #. Invokes ``scr_retries_halt`` and breaks loop if halt condition is detected. We do this a second time in case a command to halt came in while we were sleeping. #. Loop back. EXIT LOOP #. If ``$SCR_FLUSH_ASYNC == 1``, invokes “``scr_halt –immediate``” to kill ``scr_transfer`` processes on each node. #. Invokes ``scr_postrun`` to scavenge most recent checkpoint. #. Invokes ``kill`` to kill watchdog process if it is running. ``scripts/common/`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Checks that various runtime dependencies are available. #. Checks for ``pdsh`` command, #. Checks for ``dshbak`` command, #. Checks for ``Date::Manip`` perl module. ``scripts/common/`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Executes commands to prepare an allocation for SCR. #. Interprets ``$SCR_ENABLE``, calls ``srun`` and bails if set to 0. #. Interprets ``$SCR_DEBUG``, enables verbosity if set :math:`>` 0. #. Invokes ``scr_test_runtime`` to check for necessary run time dependencies. #. Invokes ``mkdir`` to create ``.scr`` subdirectory in prefix directory. #. Invokes ``rm -f`` to remove flush and nodes files from prefix directory. #. Returns 0 if allocation is ready, 1 otherwise. ``src/scr_retries_halt.c`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reads halt file and returns exit code depending on whether the run should be halted or not.