Store descriptors


A store descriptor is a data structure that describes a class of storage. Each store is given a name, which is used as a key to refer to the storage device.

All storage devices available to SCR must be specified via entries in the system or user configuration files. These entries specify which nodes can access the device, the capacity of the device, and other capabilities such as whether it supports the creation of directories.

The store descriptor is a C struct. During the run, the SCR library maintains an array of store descriptor structures in a global variable named scr_storedescs. It records the number of descriptors in this list in a variable named scr_nstoredescs. It builds this list during SCR_Init() by calling scr_storedescs_create() which constructs the list from a third variable called scr_storedescs_hash. This hash variable is initialized from entries in the configuration files while processing SCR parameters. The store structures are freed in SCR_Finalize() by calling scr_storedescs_free().

Store descriptor struct

Here is the definition for the C struct.

typedef struct {
  int      enabled;   /* flag indicating whether this descriptor is active */
  int      index;     /* each descriptor is indexed starting from 0 */
  char*    name;      /* name of store */
  int      max_count; /* maximum number of datasets to be stored in device */
  int      can_mkdir; /* flag indicating whether mkdir/rmdir work */
  MPI_Comm comm;      /* communicator of processes that can access storage */
  int      rank;      /* local rank of process in communicator */
  int      ranks;     /* number of ranks in communicator */
} scr_storedesc;

The enabled field is set to 0 (false) or 1 (true) to indicate whether this particular store descriptor may be used. Even though a store descriptor may be defined, it may be disabled. The index field records the index within the scr_storedescs array. The name field is a copy of the store name. The comm field is a handle to the MPI communicator that defines the group the processes that share access to the storage device that the local process uses. The rank and ranks fields cache the rank of the process in this communicator and the number of processes in this communicator, respectively.

Example store descriptor configuration file entries

SCR must know about the storage devices available on a system. SCR requires that all processes be able to access the prefix directory, and it assumes that /tmp is storage local to each compute node. Additional storage can be described in configuration files with entries like the following.

STORE=/tmp          GROUP=NODE   COUNT=1
STORE=/ssd          GROUP=NODE   COUNT=3
STORE=/p/lscratcha  GROUP=WORLD

Store descriptor entries are identified by a leading STORE key. Each line corresponds to a class of storage devices. The value associated with the STORE key is the directory prefix of the storage device. This directory prefix also serves as the name of the store descriptor. All compute nodes must be able to access their respective storage device via the specified directory prefix.

The remaining values on the line specify properties of the storage class. The GROUP key specifies the group of processes that share a device. Its value must specify a group name. The COUNT key specifies the maximum number of checkpoints that can be kept in the associated storage. The user should be careful to set this appropriately depending on the storage capacity and the application checkpoint size. The COUNT key is optional, and it defaults to the value of the SCR_CACHE_SIZE parameter if not specified. The ENABLED key enables (1) or disables (0) the store descriptor. This key is optional, and it defaults to 1 if not specified. The MKDIR key specifies whether the device supports the creation of directories (1) or not (0). This key is optional, and it defaults to 1 if not specified.

In the above example, there are four storage devices specified: /tmp, /ssd, /dev/persist, and /p/lscratcha. The storage at /tmp, /ssd, and /dev/persist specify the NODE group, which means that they are node-local storage. Processes on the same compute node access the same device. The storage at /p/lscratcha specifies the WORLD group, which means that all processes in the job can access the device. In other words, it is a globally accessible file system.

Common functions

This section describes some of the most common store descriptor functions. These functions are defined in scr_storedesc.h and implemented in scr_storedesc.c.

Creating and freeing the store descriptors array

To initialize the scr_storedescs and scr_nstoredescs variables from the scr_storedescs_hash variable:


Free store descriptors array.


Lookup store descriptor by name

To lookup a store descriptor by name.

int index = scr_storedescs_index_from_name(name);

This returns an index value in the range \([0, \texttt{scr\_nstoredescs})\) if the specified store name is defined and it returns -1 otherwise.

Create and delete directories on storage device

These functions are collective over the group of processes that share access to the same storage device. To create a directory on a storage device.

int scr_storedesc_dir_create(const scr_storedesc* s, const char* dir);

To delete a directory.

int scr_storedesc_dir_delete(const scr_storedesc* s, const char* dir);