Bamboo Test Suite

SCR’s bamboo testing suite does a few things:

  1. Test that SCR will build with CMake
  2. Trigger SCR’s built-in testing with make test (uses ctest)
  3. Test that SCR will build with Spack
  4. Trigger more advanced test by running the testing/TEST script

This document records some of the scripts for the bamboo test suite. Within bamboo, the test plans have the ability to specify different machines which on which a particular step can be run. In this way, SCR can be tested for each platform.

Bamboo Test Plan Overview

  1. Clone SCR from the repository and check out the particular branch which is being tested. This functionality is built-in to bamboo and does not have an associated script.

  2. Build and Make:

    . /etc/profile
    . /etc/bashrc
    mkdir build install
    cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ../SCR
    make install
  3. Test parallel:

    cd build
    ctest --verbose -T Test -R parallel*
    mkdir Testing/Tests
    cp `grep -rl '.xml$' Testing/*` Testing/*/* Testing/Tests
  4. Test serial:

    cd build
    ctest --verbose -T Test -R serial*
  5. Bamboo has a built-in CTest test parser. This is configured with the test file path pattern: **/Testing/*/*.xml

  6. Clone spack from its repository.

  7. Install SCR:

    #!/bin/bash -l
    . /etc/profile
    . /etc/bashrc
    cd spack
    sed -i "s#/.spack#/.spack-${SYS_TYPE}#" lib/spack/spack/
    . share/spack/
    #spack compiler find
    spack install --keep-stage scr@master resource_manager=SLURM
    #spack install --run-tests scr@master resource_manager=NONE
    spack cd -i scr
    cd share/scr/examples
    export MPICC=/usr/tce/packages/mvapich2/mvapich2-2.2-gcc-4.9.3/bin/mpicc
    export MPICXX=/usr/tce/packages/mvapich2/mvapich2-2.2-gcc-4.9.3/bin/mpicxx
    export MPIF90=/usr/tce/packages/mvapich2/mvapich2-2.2-gcc-4.9.3/bin/mpif90
  8. Run SCR/Testing/TEST python script:

    #!/bin/bash -l
    # This script takes 1 variable, the script you want to run.
    # This variable, $1, comes from the bamboo command line.
    # Here, $1 = TEST
    . spack/share/spack/
    # setup environment for script to be run
    spack cd scr@master
    export SCR_PKG=`pwd`
    spack cd -i scr@master
    export SCR_INSTALL=`pwd`
    cp $SCR_PKG/testing/$1 $SCR_INSTALL/bin/$1
    cd $SCR_INSTALL/bin
    export SCR_LAUNCH_DIR=`pwd`
    # submit job
    jobID=$(sbatch --export=ALL -ppbatch -n4 -N4 -t5 -J SCR-TESTS -o bamboo_test_$1.out $1 | tr -dc [:digit:])
    # watch and wait until job has completed
    # this no longer works because bamboo has its own timeout
    #jobInfo=$(mdiag -j ${jobID})
    #jobStatus=$(echo $jobInfo | awk '{print $13}')
    #while [ $jobStatus != "CG" ] && [ $jobStatus != "CD" ]
    #    jobInfo=$(mdiag -j ${jobID})
    #    jobStatus=$(echo $jobInfo | awk '{print $13}')
    # watch and wait until job has completed
    jobStatus=$(checkjob ${jobID} | grep State | awk '{print $2}')
    while [ "$jobStatus" != "Completed" ]; do
    jobStatus=$(checkjob ${jobID} | grep State | awk '{print $2}')
    if ([ "$jobStatus" = "Idle" ] || [ "$jobStatus" = "Resources" ]) && [ $((count % 60)) -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Job $jobID waiting for resources"
    sleep 1
    checkjob ${jobID}
    # print results of script
    if [ -e bamboo_test_$1.out ]; then
    cat bamboo_test_$1.out
    echo "File bamboo_test_$1.out does not exist"
    exit 1
    # determine if script was successful
    result=$(cat bamboo_test_$1.out | tail -n5 | grep -o PASSED)
    # post test cleanup
    rm -rf .scr/ ckpt.*
    if [ "$result" != "PASSED" ]; then
    exit 1
    exit 0